Special digital products call for the best experts. With their exceptional skills and state-of-the-art technologies, our dedicated team will build your software product. They’ll be just like your own team. But without you worrying about hiring, training or providing resources.

When to consider a dedicated team

If you find yourself in these bullet points, the dedicated team model is the best for you:

Best suited if...

  • Your project needs specific skill sets
  • You don’t want to hire new staff because it’s time-consuming and expensive
  • You’re looking for a team that’ll be focused only on you
  • You want a transparent and effective collaboration
  • You need a long-term partner


Our dedicated teams have been developing high-quality digital products for years. Here’s why you should choose us for your development needs:


Highly experienced

80% of our teams are senior and middle engineers with extensive domain experience in the most challenging industries.

Fully transparent

Through our agile working method, you have complete control and full transparency. You know exactly who’s doing what, when, why, and at what cost.

No context switching

We completely immerse ourselves in your world, laser-focused on your goals. Our dedicated teams work on one project only.

Focused on quality

Our dedicated teams prioritize quality from the start of the development process. We use the STLC (software testing life cycle) which enables our developers and QAs to always keep track of security. Also, we have obtained the ISO/IEC 27001 certificate which guarantees us safeguarding all your product information and data.'

State-of-the-art tools and technologies

We’re always on the lookout for better and more efficient ways to develop apps. That means we’re equipped only with the best practices, tools, and technologies.

Reliable and scalable

We can be a big team during intensive product development, then quickly scale down when version 1.0 is released. Why pay for resources you don’t need?

Tech stack versatility

Our engineers are fluent in many languages. From mobile to web technologies, we’re covering them all. You can find more in the sections below.

And More...

  • Continuous Integration & Deployment
  • Automated and manual testing
  • Pixel-perfect design implementation

Working with DIGIITS is a pleasure. Their expertise on iOS and Android is excellent and as well as working well with my team they’ve also presented workshops on mobile development to help train up my less experienced engineers.Samuel BoatengCEO, Slamm llc


Let’s walk you through the steps of working with our dedicated teams.



In order to give you the best service, we’ll first have a detailed talk about:
  • Your app goals
  • Your target audience
  • The project scope
This will enable us to precisely determine the right dedicated team, the right tools, and technologies, and the right skills needed to get the job done perfectly. If you haven’t done the discovery part yourself, no worries. We offer app product discovery as a service where we figure out the plan for your app.


Next, we’ll do the team setup. You need experts and we have them. Having previously discussed your project we’ll now create a dedicated team suited to your needs. Generally, our dedicated team consists of:
  • UX designer
  • Project manager
  • Mobile and/or web developers
  • QA engineers
Need only developers? That’s fine by us. We can also form only development teams that will be at your disposal. After we set the team up, we’ll get you introduced and get working on the next step.


In order for everything to work seamlessly, we integrate our team with your project and align our processes and tools to it. We Introduce the team to your company culture, project goals, and tools. For onboarding to go smoothly, together we:
  • Access your code repository
  • Allocate roles and responsibilities
  • Agree on tools for communication, project management, and development
  • Set up the overall roadmap for the project
  • Set up joint meetings and demos
Commonly this phase lasts a couple of days. When everything is set up, our team moves to the development phase.


To give you the best and most timely results, we use agile methodologies such as SCRUM.
We split work into sprints lasting 2-4 weeks. At the end of each one, we present our latest progress. Agile is the best way to provide you with the most quality product while remaining transparent both in communication and business matters.


The launch of product version 1.0 is just the beginning. We’re a long-term partner and we’ll continue to build your product for as long as you need us. What we do for you post-production:
  • Propose new features
  • Track app performance
  • Run support
  • Do maintenance
Commonly this phase lasts a couple of days. When everything is set up, our team moves to the development phase.

Roles and responsibilities

Being professional and transparent is crucial for the success of our collaboration. That’s why we clearly define roles and responsibilities.

Our Responsibilities

  • Provide experts according to your project’s requirements
  • Provide infrastructure and transfer of knowledge
  • Communicate with you transparently on a regular basis
  • Provide you with reports on time
  • Post-launch support, maintain and update products according to your requirements

Your Responsibilities

  • Provide code repository
  • Outline the project requirements
  • Set clear expectations and goals for the dedicated team
  • Share information and documentation (backlogs, technical documentation
  • Set deadlines
  • Participate actively in the development process
  • Provide regular feedback
  • Notify of project changes in time
  • Own the IP

Tools of the trade

We’re engineers so it’s not surprising we know how to get the most out of digital tools. Here’s a snapshot of what we use and why:

Tech stack

iOS native: Swift, Objective C

Android native: Kotlin, Java

Cross-platform: React Native Flutter

Web Backend: Node.js & Python/Flask



App Center



Source Control





UI/UX Design






BitBucket Pipeline


Azure Dev Ops







We’re your ready-made, self-managed team totally focused on you and your product

Request your team →


Still unsure about something?

Don’t worry, whatever it is, we’ve got you covered in our FAQ.

Yes. In today’s environment, being agile is one of the most important things. Being agile doesn’t mean a lack of processes, but rather the opposite. Having good efficient processes and a strong working methodology helps us to be agile and at the same time organized and predictable.

Yes, we also do maintenance. We see that as continuous work after the first version is published. Releasing the first version of a software product is just the beginning. Our belief is that the real work begins after launch. So we strongly encourage you to plan your budget so you can have a dedicated team working on your project after launch (this could be in reduced capacity). This option gives you confidence that the team monitors how the project behaves in the real world and acts quickly based on the data from the field. Also, to create a successful product, you should iterate it based on the usage analytics – your users know best what they need.

Native apps, as the name suggests, are used to build apps for a specific platform – iOS or Android – and so the programming language used would differ based on the platform. For native Android app development, developers program with languages such as Java or Kotlin. For native iOS app development, we have a choice of Swift or Objective-C. As the native apps are written for a specific platform, they are more responsive, faster, and perform better in terms of animations. Native apps are also preferred over cross-platform apps when data protection and security is crucial. Cross-platform apps, also known as hybrid apps, are coded once and run on multiple platforms. We can use different technologies to develop hybrid apps like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and Ionic to code the mobile app, using a browser supported technologies such as Html, CSS, JavaScript. Hybrid apps have their own advantages like a single code base, overall lower development cost, easy maintenance, and faster delivery.

Some of the most common errors in Android development that others do but we don’t: Memory leaks by passing context to async tasks Performing background work on the main thread, blocking the main thread Developing UI without taking into account different screen dimensions and densities Using view hierarchy that is too deep.

While the answer isn’t simple, but it isn’t as convoluted as many developers make it seem. Many app developers will either build you a subpar app for a lower fee — you get what you pay for — or get you in the door at a low price only to invoice you 5x the original estimate down the road. What you rarely see is a realistic depiction of what an app costs and how that’s calculated. When you initiate a conversation with Digiits and explain your ideas and goals, we walk you through what’s needed to execute and the exact costs to build a premium mobile app for iPhones.

It all depends on what stage of your product roadmap you are on. Are you looking to build an MVP (minimum viable product) to show to potential investors or have a clear vision and product market fit already? All our engagements start with a crystal clear timeline based on agile development methodologies. Our clients get to see the work in progress builds every step of the way so you have full visibility of our engineering process. On average, time to build a premium quality app ranges between 3 to 6 months depending on your feature set and roadmap.

Need a high-end digital product development from true experts?